Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Henry and June: From Henry and June: From "A Journal of Love" - The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin by Anaïs Nin

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved it, plain and simple. I gained insight into minds like Ms.Nin's. I learned a lot about how I felt through her. She had such titillating descriptions of her fiery states. She spoke of dipping fingers in her woman's honey and drinking men's white blood. At one point I wondered if all her dealings with Henry were her fantasies. The last 60 pages kind of dragged for me, but the last 10 were riveting. I recommend this book to anyone that wants a little insight into the libido of a lascivious woman.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Amazing Austin Coffee and Artists

I just wanted to thank the establishment and people over at Epoch Coffee and Thunderbird Coffee. I have enjoyed sitting in your shops, drinking a tasteful drip coffee while either getting some work done or procrastinating on your free wifi. Your establishments and others (whom i will mention at the end) have been a huge part of my Austin experience.

I haven't been to too many music experiences at a coffee shop. Maybe I should consider changing this really soon though. I just read on Thunderbird's blog that they had a show where austin bands covered the entire pinkerton album. I would love to have seen that. I have seen a few shows at flipnotics though, and they were good.

In the title I referred to the Artists. I did so because as much as I have been in these coffee shops, I have also been under the influence of local artists. Very much of what hangs at the EPOCH is quite impressive. True artfully expressed ideas by some locals. Same goes for thunderbird. I once saw the singer for White Rhino helping a pretty lady hang some art at there. I don't know who did the artwork. It could have been either one of them.
So thank you artists for exhibiting at the coffeeshops around town. I really enjoy it.

Cool coffee shops:
PS Even the bathrooms at Epoch have great permanent art.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wedding Vow

I am currently working on my wedding vow. I am blown away at the scope of the task: I have to tell Jen in the space of 3-6 sentences that I love her and that I want to be with her for the rest of our lives. Actually, now that I wrote that it seems simple, but how many times do you get to tell someone something of this magnitude? How many vows do we take in life?

Though I currently do not subscribe to any organized religion I do feel very spiritual. I view this whole existence as an emanation of God. We are all divine beings, we are all equal, we are all one and the same.

I find that middle eastern religions and philosophies closely correlate to my own feelings. One of the images of love that really strike a chord with me are those depictions of Buddhist Gods and Goddesses in a sexual embrace. This union is a symbol of ultimate enlightenment, the joining of male wisdom and female insight. A personification and deification of the yin and yang. I don't think Christianity has an equivalent depiction. I believe that Christianity does not portray women or sexuality in a positive light. Sexual awakening is our original sin, our nakedness brings us shame, painful childbirth is a punishment for eating fruit from the knowledge of good and evil.

The Buddhists have a healthy view of sexuality as opposed to the sexual repression seen in Christianity. I enjoy seeing my love, my wife, as a deity to be worshiped. We are gods and goddesses in shells of flesh. It is through this ephemeral body we are able to enjoy life's pleasures and seek ultimate truth.

here is a link about the Tantric view:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dante's Inferno - PS3

Wow, what a game. Very similar to God of War, but better. Great story and graphics, seems fun. You play as Dante, a soldier duped by the church into committing horrendous sins during the crusades. Now, faced with death, he battles the Grim Reaper for his soul. His wife is killed and taken to hell, Dante follows in hope of rescuing his bride.
I like the mechanics of the game. It's hack and slash with a bit of some strategy. Your magic has two sides, evil and good. You can enhance either side to your liking. I may have to pick this up someday. Too many good games on the PS3...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Independence Day Independence Day by Richard Ford

Frank, a typical man, struggling to recover from his divorce and currently failed loves. Making his way to visit his troubled son during the independence day weekend. Frank is a former sports writer, now Realtor and part business owner of a root beer stand. His last realtor girlfriend, a young african american girl he worked with, was murdered. An occasional fuck buddy named shelly just rejected him. I am on page 224 and he still hasn't seen his son yet. I am reading this book because it was recommended by one of the hotties from Tegan and Sara. It is beautifully written, but lackluster plotwise. View all my reviews >>

Friday, December 4, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Vlog1 What I Want

So this is my first post. I was inspired by a youtube video by Mike Wesch, you can find him here: Basically I am a sucker for self realization, I want to understand myself and what the hell is going on in this existence. Mr. Wesch believes, as an anthropologist, that the web2.0 applications provide a new and unique tool for this very end.
We present ourselves differently according to our audience; we act professional at work, loving with our loves, and like jack asses with our friends. So how do we present ourselves to the internet population? Not that I am expecting that many views, but it's not like this is a private medium.